When you’re setting your pay schedule, we’ll ask you for your first payday and pay period. Keep reading to learn how to select the correct dates.
Selecting your first payday
Your first payday is the date on your team’s first paycheck in Workful
Example: I pay my employees bi-weekly – every other Friday. I’ll pay them through Workful for the first time on Friday, May 22, 2020. So, I’ll select “5/22/2020” as my first payday with Workful.
Selecting your first pay period
A pay period is a specific and recurring length of time where you record how many hours your employees work and pay them for that time worked. When you select your first pay period in Workful, your team will be paid for the work they perform during that timeframe.
Example: I pay my employees every other Friday, and my first payday is May 22, 2020. On that payday, I’ll pay them for work done between Sunday, April 26 and Saturday, May 9, 2020. So, I’ll select “4/26/2020 – 5/09/2020” as my first pay period.
Read also: How do I change my pay schedule settings?
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